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Hydrology Study for the Hearne Industrial Business Park

Design and Engineering Services for an industrial development in the City of Hearne

The Hearne Economic Development Corporation purchased an 86 acre tract of land to create an industrial business park in the City of Hearne. The Board hired DCS to provide a conceptual design for the tract including lot lines, roadways, drainage, waterlines, and wastewater lines.

To estimate the developable acreage for the property, DCS had to first establish approximate 100-year flood elevations for two creeks on the property which had not been mapped by FEMA. Analysis required a field visit to the site to determine the creek dimension and to estimate offsite flow within the drainage basins of the creeks. Channelization for the creeks was considered but deemed unnecessary after determining the 100-year flood zones. DCS also analyzed roadways and lots in the proposal to determine the best locations for inlets, outfalls, and detention pond sizes and locations throughout the site.

DCS Engineering Hydrology Study Hearne