Image Credit: City of Pflugerville
Impact Way Extension
City of Pflugerville
Design and Engineering Services for a roadway extension
The city of Pflugerville contracted DCS to provide preliminary conceptual planning and design services for the extension of Impact Way, a North-South thoroughfare servicing new development on the west side of SH 130, a future hub of commercial activity in the City of Pflugerville. The project includes a roadway extension leading approximately 560 Linear Feet (LF) southward and terminating with a dead end. The construction of this project will include an asphalt driveway apron tying into an existing lift station access road, an asphalt driveway apron for future private driveway access, an asphalt driveway to accommodate the 70-ft long hammerhead turnaround required for emergency vehicle use and 1,120 LF of ADA-compliant concrete sidewalk.
The extension of Impact Way also incorporates the design of wet and dry utilities, including approximately 250 LF of waterline, 100 LF of storm sewer, 500 LF of storm sewer, 1,600 LF of conduit for electric services, and 600 LF of conduit for gas services.