Image Credit: City of Jarrell


Jarrell Wastewater Master Planning

City of Jarrell

Master planning for the City of Jarrell’s existing wastewater Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN), evaluating their current needs and optimizing & expanding their system for planned, future growth.

The City of Jarrell has grown significantly in recent years -approaching 700 Living Unit Equivalents (LUEs) per year- and is expected to continue growing due to its proximity to the I-35 corridor in Williamson County, the 12th fastest growing county in the nation. DCS was contracted to evaluate the City’s existing wastewater infrastructure and recommend areas of future growth, optimizing the system for an ultimate population of 565,000.

Projects were designed to efficiently use the natural topography and existing infrastructure, servicing the needs of a growing community with the most practical use of City funds. Projects identified include over 525,000 Linear Feet (LF) of interceptor, 7 interim and ultimate lift stations, a 25 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and a 21 MGD WWTP. The 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) totaled approximately $106 M, summarized in a CIP list with projected implementation dates and construction costs. The firm developed a phased construction plan, allowing the City to build the necessary infrastructure in stages to accommodate forecast future growth while avoiding premature cost outlays by the City.

DCS Engineering City of Jarrell