Image Credit: By Liveon001 ©Travis Witt – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0


Martindale Road Rehab Study

City of Martindale

Evaluation of roadway surface conditions and recommendations for their remediation

DCS was contracted to evaluate the condition of public roadways in the City of Martindale, Texas, and to recommend options for their repair and maintenance. The firm performed a field inspection to assess existing road conditions throughout the City and found several sections (primarily gravel and asphalt) in poor and/or deteriorating condition, ultimately concluding that the primary cause of deterioration was a lack of positive drainage.

DCS presented a variety of material options to the City Council: gravel, chip seal, asphalt, asphalt with concrete ribbon curb, mill and overlay, and concrete, along with the associated construction costs for each type of material estimated per linear foot. The firm also recommended immediate action items to address road conditions within the City.

DCS Engineering Wastewater Master Planning Hutton
DCS Engineering Wastewater Master Planning Hutton
DCS Engineering Wastewater Master Planning Hutton