Image Credit: Aquila Commercial


Pfluger Farm Lane

Pflugerville Community Development Corporation (PCDC)

Municipal, Transportation, Utilities, Public Improvements, Conceptual Engineering, Value Engineering

DCS provided conceptual and preliminary engineering services for Pfluger Farm Lane, a new road corridor connecting SH 45 and Pflugerville Parkway. DCS generated five different scenarios combining a variety of public improvements including a three-lane road, water, wastewater, storm sewer, reclaimed water, a detention pond, a 9,000 Linear Feet (LF) hike and bike trail, a 9,000 LF sidewalk, a 150 LF bridge, and a box culvert bridge. The wide range of scenarios allowed for design flexibility and cost efficacy in the project, as the construction was planned and completed in phases.

DCS recommendations were designed to AASHTO, ADA, and City specification, satisfying public and private stakeholder requirements and incentivizing area development. Preliminary engineering maps and corresponding cost estimates were prepared for each scenario, creating a better understanding of the true total project cost for all stakeholders as future phases of the development progressed.

DCS Engineering Wastewater Master Planning Hutton