Image Credit: City of Pflugerville
Pflugerviller Reclaimed Water Master Planning
City of Pflugerville
Master planning and water modeling services for the City of Pflugerville’s Reclaimed Water System Master Plan.
With the help of DCS, the City of Pflugerville developed plans to process and convert 100% of the effluent from its Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) into potable water. The system was developed to offset heavy demands on limited community water supplies -some of which are subject to the Lower Colorado River Authority’s curtailment policies during drought periods- as the City continues to grow. The reclaimed water system will also generate new revenue for the City, yielding a projected income of $2.9 million per year before operating and capital recovery costs. The plant will service an estimated population of 265,000, including applications for industrial manufacturing processes in the private sector.
DCS provided dynamic water modeling to assess the system’s ability to sustain service via phased construction, to identify potential users of the reclaimed water system, to evaluate the current system’s capacity, and the firm also developed a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) list for the City.