Image Credit: City of Pflugerville
Renewable Energy Park, Phase III Development
City of Pflugerville
Analysis and Engineering Services for a public works project in the City of Pflugerville, Texas
DCS was contracted to provide analysis and preliminary engineering for the City of Pflugerville and Pflugerville Community Development Corporation (PCDC), extending water and sewer service to the SH 130 Commerce Center-Phase III on the Southeast corner of Pecan Street and SH 130.
The firm analyzed existing water, sewer and dry utilities; evaluated the site’s developable land for future usage; projected the site’s water and sewer flow demands; and proposed improvements to serve this tract in the future. Proposed improvements included approximately 5,600 Linear Feet (LF) of water main, 10,600 LF of gravity sewer pipe, 1,730 LF of force main, 750 LF of casing pipe, and a lift station with two 25 HP pumps.
Lift station site selection and alignment studies were also included as part of the overall project. DCS evaluated several temporary and permanent options for the force main route, and ultimately designed the proposed lift station and force main to cross SH 130 via bore and jack and connect to the existing Renewable Energy Park Lift Station, pumping to the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) via the existing Weiss Lane force main.