Image Credit: DCS


Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update

City of Hutto

As part of the study, DCS developed a land-use assumption plan for the City of Hutto which necessitated updating the City’s water and wastewater growth projections. After the projections were completed a water and wastewater Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) list was developed, with associated trigger events, approximate dates, and construction costs for each of the required projects.

Next, DCS partnered with NewGen for financial analysis, to determine the total project cost and the maximum allowable impact fee that the City could charge to recover these costs. The firm coordinated with City staff, the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee (CIAC), and the City Council throughout the analysis, holding public hearings to explain the impact fees, and, ultimately, leading to the adoption of the new Impact Fee by City Council.

Industrial Park Drainage in Pflugerville DCS Engineering